Kings of The House LLC
Brian Pastuszak, Kings of The House LLCPhone: (860) 966-4488

Tag: Home Upgrades

Budget-friendly home improvement upgrades you can DIY
Posted on 07/04/2024
Budget-friendly home improvement upgrades you can DIY
Home improvements and upgrades sometimes take a backseat when finances are involved. However, there are alternatives. The good news is DIY property owners do not necessarily need to possess professional-level carpentry skills to make meaningful upgrades. With a little DIY elbow grease, handy property owners can implement cost-effective home improvements. 1: Restore an aging wooden staircase Although kitchens...
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Home safety improvements: What type of funding could you get?
Posted on 02/01/2024
Home safety improvements: What type of funding could you get?
Making upgrades to your home can improve its safety, but these types of upgrades aren't always cheap. If you're avoiding these upgrades due to the cost, keep in mind funding options are available. These funding options can make some projects more affordable. Weatherization Assistance Program The Weatherization Assistance Program is available for households with incomes below a certain...
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Seniors: Best and most cost-effective upgrades for your home
Posted on 07/20/2023
Seniors: Best and most cost-effective upgrades for your home
Home changes happen throughout the years. Whether they're for improving quality of life or peace of mind, these upgrades and renovations often cost a significant amount of money. And for those with a fixed income, living on a pension or receiving retirement/social security, it can make a hefty dent in the wallet. Here are a few ways to...
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Posted on 06/29/2023
Does Paving A Driveway Improve Property Values?
When homeowners weigh which upgrades best improve their property values; remodeling kitchens and expanding bathrooms are almost always top of the list. But what about installing a new driveway? A dirt or gravel parking area turns into a veritable quagmire during bouts of heavy precipitation, which could mean you end up tracking more mess into your home than...
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